This was a birthday gift for my 3 year old granddaughter. We used it as part of the entertainment at her party with 3, 4 & 5 year olds (plus a 9 month old!). they loved it! It was too chilly for water, but they loved it as a slide. We put plastic pit balls in the pool for the baby. It was quick to inflate and stayed put all day with much use. I bought a second one for my other granddaughter
Gideon Howard
This “water park” is amazing. My 7, 5, 3 & 2 year old grandkids had a blast with it. I couldn’t believe how quickly it self inflated & then deflated at the end of the day. My only regret is I didn’t purchase this earlier. I would highly recommend it in a heartbeat!!!
Brittany Williams
Great Quality
Blows up really fast, seemed of great quality, we had zero issues, everything worked great, super easy to put up and take down. Needs water hose for 2 sprayers, be careful with water pressure, its like a pressure washer for kids. Bought for my daughter's 2nd birthday and was really happy with it.
The Best Bounce House
Material is sturdy and its well put together. Blower works great and is quiet.